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Open today from 12pm – 10pm

1319 Third Ave, New West, BC

Smoked Lager

Steel & Oak’s beer styles always find a way back to Germany. One way or another. It’s what we’ve become known for and even as we diversify our lineup German styles will always be what we come back to.

A lot of what Steel & Oak does is actually tied to Bamberg Germany in particular. Bamberg is known for its Rauchbiers (smoked beers). We’ve brewed a lot of these over the years, Smoked Hefeweizen, Smoked Dunkelweizen, Smoked Honey Doppelbock, just to name a few. Some of you may also remember a Rauchbier we made simply titled Smoked Lager. We brewed it in 2015 and it was a draught only beer. It was a staff favourite and we decided to bring it back!

The interesting thing about this otherwise fairly traditional Bamberg smoked beer is that we dry hop it with some Pacific North West hop varietals giving it a citrusy nose that balances the smoked malt. We’ve tweaked this since 2015’s batch and feel that it’s more accessible to those that may not be into smoke as much as we are. 😉

Smoked Lager is available in bottles around Metro Vancouver and in our Tasting Room. It also won’t be the only smoked German-style beer we’ll be bringing back this month…





Eric and I first met Chad from Bellingham’s Wander Brewing in 2017 at Hop & Brew School in Yakima. He dropped the line “we make beer for

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Our Head Brewer Eric said “I want to make a 3.5% Guavarita-style beer” and our owner Jorden said, “That sounds like the easiest sale of

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Sapperton was first conceived during a hallucinogenic induced dream back in 2015. Our brewer Peter had awoken from this slumber and decided that the beer

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Vibrant Things

Originally brewed in 2019 Vibrant Things was the seasonal cousin to Simple and Shiny Things. We wanted something crushable and fruit forward while still tasting

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First brewed in 2018, Subtropic is the first hazy IPA we brewed where we were like, holy shit, people are going to love this. Almost

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