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Amber Sour

Mixed Fermentation Sour with Norwegian Kveik and Lactobacillus

We love sours. But we decided years ago that we didn’t want to kettle sour. Why not? Well, we were never 100% satisfied with the result. But we’ve heard the feedback over the years.  “You should make a sour!” “Do you have anything sour?” “Sours or bust!”. We get it.

So, we got to work and figured it out!

Brewed with Canadian Pilsner malt, German Munich malt, flaked oats and a blend of German and British Caramel malts, the intention was to create a malt foraward, balanced sour. We used kveik yeast to provide refreshing and bright citrus tones and naturally soured with a blend of lactobacillus. Notes of sour cherry, sweet and sour craisin and red plum make appearances.

In order to avoid any cross contamination, we dedicated one of our tanks to our sour program. This ensures that our sours are sour but our other beers are not. To avoid contamination on our packaging lines, this beer will be draught only. So you’ll have to come down to the tasting room to try it.