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Smoked Hefeweizen

Beechwood-Smoked Hefeweizen

Originally brewed in 2014! Smoked Hefeweizen was officially the first beer we ever presented to the public. It was at VCBW beside the Cambie St bridge and Jamie accidentally got a beer shower from not tapping the keg properly.

We had little to no idea what we were doing, but Peter our brewer at the time fortunately did.

Smoked Hefe has a cult following. The malt we use is from a place called Bamberg in Germany. It’s known as the home of smoked beers. Smoked Hefe has a whisper of smoke from Beechwood Smoked Malt, and finishes with those banana and clove notes that remind you you’re enjoying a German-style wheat beer.

This is the first year that Smoked Hefeweizen is in can! When folks purchase it can you let them know that they should turn the can over gently to rouse the yeast back into the beer before cracking it open.